Vizimpro 45mg

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Vizimpro 45mg

International Name : Vizimpro 45mg

Contains : Dacomitinib

Manufacturer : Pfizer Limited

Form : Tablets

Packing : 30 Tablets

Strength : 45 mg

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Vizimpro 45mg

Dacomitinib is utilized to treat a specific kind of lung malignant growth (non-little cell lung disease). It works by moderating or halting the development of disease cells.


Peruse the Patient Information Leaflet if accessible from your drug specialist before you begin taking dacomitinib and each time you get a refill. In the event that you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.

Take this medicine by mouth with or without nourishment as coordinated by your specialist, more often than not once every day.

Take this prescription routinely to get the most profit by it. To enable you to recollect, take it in the meantime every day.

In the event that you upchuck a portion, don’t take another portion at that point. Take your next portion at the standard time.

The measurement depends on your ailment and reaction to treatment. Try not to build your portion or utilize this medication more frequently or for longer than endorsed. Your condition won’t improve any quicker, and your danger of genuine reactions will increment.

Maintain a strategic distance from specific medications that diminish stomach corrosive/acid reflux (proton siphon inhibitors-PPIs, for example, lansoprazole, omeprazole) amid treatment with dacomitinib. You may take acid neutralizers if necessary amid treatment with this medicine. On the off chance that you are likewise taking certain different medications that decrease stomach corrosive/acid reflux (H2 blockers, for example, famotidine, ranitidine), take dacomitinib no less than 6 hours prior or 10 hours subsequent to taking a H2 blocker.

Side Effects:

Mouth bruises, diminished craving, weight reduction, swelling/disease around your nails, or dry skin may happen. Utilize a cream for dry skin when you begin treatment with this medicine. On the off chance that any of these impacts last or deteriorate, tell your specialist or drug specialist immediately.

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